2017년 1월 11일 수요일


Concise : 짧고 간결한
Cut out unnecessary words or sentences if you want to make the essay more concise and effective. 
간결하고 효과적인 에세이를 쓰고자 한다면 불필요한 문장이나 단어들을 쓰지 마세요.

Baffle : 혼란시키다
I was getting a headache during the test because there were so many questions that baffle me.
시험보는 동안 나를 혼란시키는 문제들이 너무 많아서 머리가 아팠다.

There's a 60 percent chance of rain : 비가 올 확율이 60퍼센트 예요.
A : Look at those dark clouds building up on the horizon. Are we expecting  to have rain today?
B : There's 60 percent chance of rain.
A : Then, I'm going to get wet going home. I didn't bring an umbrella.
B : I have two. I can lend you one.

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