2017년 1월 2일 월요일


Indignant : 열받은, 화난
The man became indignant when he found out that his secretary threw away important papers he needed for meeting.
그 남자는 비서가 회의에 필요한 중요한 서류를 버린 것을 알고 화가 많이 났다.

Ponder : 곰곰히 생각하다(철학적인 문제를)
Kevin often ponders whether true love exists.
케인은 가끔 진실한 사랑이 존재하는지 곰곰히 생각해본다.

The caterer we used last year was excellent : 
지난해 우리가 고용한 주문요리사가 정말 좋았어요.
A : The caterer we used last year was excellent.
B : Are you saying the food isn't your liking?
A : The meal we had last year was certainly much better.
B : I don't think the food isn't so bad.

cer·tain·ly[|s3:rtnli] 발음부사 틀림없이, 분명히congratulatory 축하의deemed ~로여기다dismayed 경악, 경악하게 만들다recognized 인정된 알려진 diplomatic  외교의prompting 설득 prompt 즉각적인 


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